Cornelia Brown

Given Name
Maiden Name
Birth Date
July 1, 1827
Birth Note
Born in Albany, NY
Death Date
February 8, 1868
Death Note
Buried in Albany, NY
Marriage Date
May 6, 1850
Biographical Information
Cornelia Chapin Brown married Samuel Lockwood Brown, on May 6, 1850. While born and buried in Albany, she lived in Chicago for part of her life, at least while she was married to Samuel, where he was a Colonel for the Quatermaster's Department. The couple had no children, and Samuel remarried after the death of Cornelia.
Citation(s) for Biographical Information:
Find a Grave. Last modified July 16, 2018. Accessed on July 16, 2018.
Google Books. Last modified July 16, 2018. Accessed on July 16, 2018.
Citation(s) for Birth Information:
Gilbert Warren Chapin. The Chapin Book of Genealogical Data. Chapin family association, 1924.
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Citation(s) for Death Information:
Gilbert Warren Chapin. The Chapin Book of Genealogical Data. Chapin family assocation, 1924.
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